Updating your contact information with Mondelēz

For updates to your contact information for purposes of Purchase Orders, RFQs, and Invoicing, please follow the process outlined below. It’s very important to follow the proper formatting of the request so that our Vendor Support teams can complete the update.

This process is only applicable for updates to contact information which includes: Name, Street Address, Email Address, and Phone Number.

Send your request (properly formatted) to the following address: MBSCVENDORMASTER@mdlz.com

The subject line of the email should be constructed as follows:

  • IMPORTANT: You need to indicate "VendorRegion_VendorCountry_VendorNumber" in your Email Subject Line (otherwise, our Vendor Support team will not be able to process your request).
  • E-Mail Subject Line should be constructed as below:
    • VendorRegion_VendorCountry_VendorNumber
    • EEMEA_Swaziland_Vendor CHANGE_12394505
    • MEU_Norway_Vendor CHANGE_8976276525
    • APAC_Japan_Vendor CHANGE_87923694
    • LATAM_Brazil_Vendor CHANGE_72682139694
    • NA_Canada_Vendor CHANGE_7831632147

Email Message should contain the necessary changes to your information in the body of the email itself.